Friday, March 20, 2009

Recyle, Reuse and Reduce

I love the idea of recycling of beauty packaging, we have been looking cost effective ways to reuse bottles, boxes and compacts. The problem is that its more expensive and labor intensive. Many customers have sent ideas to be more green by either recycling, reusing or eliminating packaging.

I found this article about what Origins is doing on this subject, just click here to read more.

1 comment:

Marie said...

I just got my 13-year-old Chinese (adopted) daughter some Zhen makeup and skincare products for her Easter basket. She LOVES them, and especially the fact that the colors and products were designed for her Asian skin. There is a very large Chinese adoption community in the United States, and many of us that have adopted Chinese daughters were thrilled to learn about your products. I read about your company on one of my Chinese adoption list-servs, and will post about it on my other adoption-related list-servs.